Music to our ears!

Last week was music deep learning day! The children ad so much fun exploring instruments, looking at key skills and vocabulary such as timbre, ostinato, dynamics etc and reviewing different pieces of music.

We began the day by listening to the ensemble ‘Deepest Relaxing Ambient Music Angelic Choir from Outer Space’. As they were listening, they drew what came to their minds. 

We then introduced the children tot he different components that make up an ensemble, they needed to use their acute hearing and identify the different layers of sound. Next, they explored different instruments which made it easier for them to identify the sounds within the piece.

Pupils then worked in teams to create their own piece and needed to think about the desired effect they wanted to create for their audience.

The pupils then performed their pieces to the year group and had super fun when watching their recorded pieces with all the green screen excitement!



  • House team football competition is this Friday 3rd March. If your pupil has signed up to this, please send them with their pe kits, trainers (no studs) and shin pads.
  • Thank you for all the effort that has gone into World book day – check out next week’s blog to see our outfits!
  • Homework is due Thursday 9th March. This includes a book review, vocab, spelling, maths paper task and maths online task.
  • Parent’s evening is taken place on Tuesday 7th March and Wednesday 8th March. Please ensure that you have booked an appointment using School Cloud. Please contact the office if you have any issues.


Have a lovely weekend

Year 5 team


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