A Christmas Music Performance

Our last week of this autumn term begun with a end of term performance after learning the ukuele. The children have worked so hard to learn different notes, chords, picking, strumming and reading and compositing music. They played a selection of songs such as Picadilly Circus and Land of the Silver Birch and also gave renditions of Jingle Bells and a Christmas version of Frere Jacques before ending the concert with Rocking all over the World.

Reminders for the first week of Spring Term 2023

Changes to Y5 timetable for Spring 1 Term – Library session will now be on a Tuesday and a new reading passport will be issued for spring term.

PE – 5SC swimming on a Wednesday afternoon until February half term.

No English and Maths homework has been set in the homework books over Christmas. There is Sumdog and TT rockstars available if you wish your child to keep going with maths skills. We would encourage daily reading to maintain fluency for our next guided reading novel. A book review is due for the first week back.


We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a restful break.

We’ll look forward to seeing the children again on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

The Year 5 Team


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