Another busy week has been had by all children in Year 5.
We have been working hard looking at perimeter and area in our Maths and continuing our work on The Piano in English.
Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we are unable to put up any photos from the D Day museum on the blog. Hopefully this issue will be sorted soon and we will have the photos up for you to view as soon as possible.
- Homework this week:
Abacus homework: Children will be practising applying their area and perimeter knowledge learnt this week and will be practising converting units of measure ready for their Maths lessons this coming week.
Times tables practise sheets sent home Friday.
New Bug Club books have been set. Regular reading of appropriate level books to be continued too.
Practise sheet sent home with the focus on able and ible suffix.
Hope you all have another enjoyable week!
The Year 5 Team