Human Dignity and Solidarity in Year 5

We finished our Catholic Social teaching unit this week with posters that conveyed the messages of the unit – Human Dignity, Participation, Option for the Poor and Solidarity. We used parables to show us how Jesus treated the marginalised groups in society including disabilities, poverty, homelessness, immigrants.

We even had Abigail show us how she used the messages of the unit to complete a sponsored walk around Portsea Island in aid of a Brain Cancer charity and raised over £1200.  Well done Abigail!

Reminders for next week:

Whole School Advent service – Tuesday 29th November – at Sacred Heart Church. Please provide a coat for sudden downpours, if rain is forecasted.

Homework due in Thursday as normal. Sumdog and TT Rockstars to practice and if your child has not brought in a book review this week, please ensure that they bring a book review in this Thursday. Thank you.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team


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