Evacuation Day!

Year 5 went back to 1939.


We dressed in World War II type clothing and completed our look with gas mask boxes, ID cards, ration cards and evacuation tags.

We spent the day learning about the role of propaganda during the war; designing our own evacuation posters while also experiencing an air raid or two! We were asked regularly to prove who we were by showing our identity cards or risk spending time being questioned by a policeman.

At lunchtime, we had to use our ration coupons to collect our WWII lunch of corn beef hash with potatoes and carrots. Mrs Crockford and her team provided the lunch and dressed in the style of 1940’s women. In the afternoon, we were visited by Jerome who let us explore many WWII artefacts. Mrs McKenzie then taught us WWII music on the ukulele.

At the end of the day, parents came in to the ‘evacuation hall’ to decide which evacuee they wanted to take home with them. It was a long wait for some of us…

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