A wild time in the woods! – 5SC Residential Trip to the Sustainability Centre

We’re back from a lovely three days at the Sustainability Centre. It was a packed three days and we were so grateful that the weather was kind to us. The children experienced different activities which included sculpting clay animals, crafting clay and chalk bricks, constructing a clay oven, learning about bush survival with fire making, den building, a fantastically informative WW2 talk with very special artefacts and also a trip to a local farm championing sustainability.  We also had night time activities of a night walk on the South Downs, encounter sheep in the process as well as being treated to a magical storytelling session of local folk tales and songs last night.

The children ate well including plenty of biscuits and have even learned how to put a duvet cover on. There were very few tears and the children said they really enjoyed the experience of being responsible and independent.

Here is selection of photos to give you a flavour of our time away.

Have a lovely weekend.

P.S WW2 Evacuation dress up day will be on this Monday (17th October) – please dress up as an evacuee and bring a gas mask box and/or name tag.

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