A Week of Changes!

This week saw the children begin their R.S.E lessons with the ‘smelly talk’! We set the ground rules for these sessions and the children were really respectful and asked some great questions about personal hygiene and how that will change when their hormones start to increase. You may have already had discussions about this session as we continue next week into girls and boys sessions, the children may come home with further questions.

Also, this morning saw the first of the transition sessions to your child’s new class. Your child should bring a letter from their new teacher(s) home today and I’m sure will tell you all about their morning in Year 6 with Mr Land and Mr Pratley. Another session is planned for next Monday afternoon and Friday all day so there will be lots of opportunity for your child to ask questions to their new teacher.

General Reminders

  • PE is on Wednesday 7th July.
  • Chichester Harbour trip is on Tuesday 6th July. Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch, water bottle, rainmac or coat (if rain is forecast), hat/suncream (if hot weather is forecast) and study shoes to walk on a coastline terrain. If your child requires medication and it is not already in school, please bring this in to school for the trip.
  • Anyone who has not returned a medical form for Fairthorne Manor, please do so. We have extra copies in Year 5 if needed.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

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