Welcome back!
This term we have a new topic all about Ancient Egypt. The children were given their Ancient Egypt creative homework sheet yesterday along with their English and Maths homework.
We have a new topic for English too – Extreme Sports. Our final outcome will be a magazine article, which we are hoping the editor-in-chief at First News will read through and maybe publish some of the work.
In maths we are going over formal methods of multiplying and dividing. This week we have been multiplying up to 4-digit numbers by 1-digit and tackling 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication using a formal method. Next week we will move on to using formal methods of dividing.
P.E. will be on Monday 26th April – P.E. kits need to be worn all day.
English, spelling and maths homework is due on Thursday 29th April.
Book reviews are due on Thursday 6th May along with their regular homework.
Enjoy the weekend,
The Year 5 Team
Answer: ‘Wrap music’!