Chihuahua! Geography and dogs…

This week we’ve been around the world, debated important issues, had a taster of Victorian punishments and been scientists in the making.

During our R.E. session we had a class debate based on the question: ‘Should everyone be forgiven?’ There were some very mature debating skills used, with children listening carefully to points made and the reasoning behind them. In some cases, people even changed their minds based on the arguments put forth.

On Wednesday afternoon we became scientists, investigating how materials change state and whether the changes were reversible or irreversible.

Thursday saw the last of our Crime and Punishment lessons, where we learnt about the punishments Victorians used in prisons. We tried our hand at ‘picking oakum’, walking on ‘the treadwheel’ and completing the ‘shot drill’.

Today we’ve had our Geography Deep Learning Day – we have been comparing and contrasting our home town of Waterlooville with the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico. We have worked in teams to produce a report focusing on climate, human and physical geography, wildlife and topography. Photos of our work will follow.


  • P.E. will be on Wednesday (24th March) next week – please read the letter about P.E. kit that has been sent from the office.


  • Homework has been sent out. Both the red homework book and the yellow book review need to be handed in by Thursday 25th March.


  • Next week is the last week of completing the Lenten tickets. Remember to bring them in to school, if you haven’t already.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team

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