Home Learning Week 1

Hopefully you will have been able to access Microsoft Teams for the work that has been set but we thought we’d put all activities onto the blog too…just in case!

Homework was set and was ready to go into homework books tomorrow – this is this week’s homework:

Date: 19.11.2020

Spelling and Grammar Home Learning

Maths home learning

Login to Sumdog.

You have an arithmetic task to complete. You will need to use your fraction knowledge.

A multiplication task has been set for you to complete.


The work for the week is:

ENGLISH – Week 1

Friday 20th:

L.O: To understand the features of a persuasive letter.


Monday 23rd:

L.O: To further investigate suffixes -ant, and –ent.


Tuesday 24th:

L.O: To explore pronouns.


Wednesday 25th:

L.O: To generate points to use in our persuasive letter.


Thursday 26th:

L.O: To write persuasively.

Apprentice Task/ Weekly Assignment:

After the lessons you have learnt this week, write a short, persuasive letter to Mr Cunningham giving him two reasons why school uniform should be mandatory.

Friday 27th:

L.O: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling surprised.



Support tasks:

Use the word bank of persuasive phrases to write sentences listing the pros and cons of wearing a school uniform.

Challenge Activity:

After the lessons you have learnt this week, write a short, persuasive letter to Mr Cunningham giving him two reasons why school uniform should be banned.


L.O: to proof read and correct mistakes accurately.

Look through the sentences and see how many mistakes you can find and correct.

  1. The twins decided that four there birthday thay each wanted an iPhone. There parents decided thay where to young for such an ecspensive presant. The twins where upset and had two think off something else insted. Some times you can’t have everything that you want.

2. I fell out with my sister and I didn’t want to looser, so i apologisd and we made up. I have alot of freinds at school. My favrite subject is maths. I like doing somes.


3.Toknight, I whant to go to Pizza Hut. The food they’re really apeals to me, because it’s tastey. There is a buffay know which is all you can eat.


4.When I get home, I will play Call of Dute with some mates. I enjoy kiling the zombis. You shoot bulets, but it takes ages for the gun to relowd. I like play on my consils.


  1. The exitment of going on holiday in the morning was killing me. I couldn’t wait. I was going to my faviraute place in America. Geuss we’re it is!


WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your persuasive apprentice write based on whether school uniform should be mandatory or banned. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this. Your persuasive text needs to be at least 3 paragraphs long.

Your finished report could look like this:

Work needs to be submitted by 5pm on Thursday 26th November to Microsoft Teams. If you have difficulty doing this, please send the photos or assignment to either:




Work will be responded to by a teacher throughout the course of the following week.

Maths – Week 1


Lesson 1:  L.O: To compare fractions with the same denominator




Lesson 2: L.O: To compare and order unit fractions




Lesson 3: LO: To Recognise equivalent fractions



Lesson 4: L.O: To order and compare fractions.



Lesson 5: L.O: To recognise improper fractions and mixed numbers.




Challenge tasks:

Task 1 – compare fractions greater than 1


Task 2 – decimal and fraction equivalence


Task 3 – decimal equivalents of fractions


Task 4 – fractions problem solving



Challenge Activities:

https://nrich.maths.org/2420 – Orange Drink

https://nrich.maths.org/1249 – Matching fractions, decimals and percentages


WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please upload a photo of your five weekly tasks to your class by 5pm on Thursday 26th November to Microsoft Teams. If you have difficulty in accessing Microsoft Teams, please send the photo to either:



You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.


Work will be responded to by a teacher throughout the course of the following week.


Reading home learning

Text focus is our class novel: There’s A Boy In The Girls’ Bathroom.

Day 1:

L.O: To engage with the text



Day 2:

L.O: To analyse a character (Bradley)



Day 3:

L.O: To analyse a character (Jeff)



Day 4:

L.O: To explore Bradley further



Day 5:

L.O: To explore a key theme within the text




Using your persuasive skills from your writing work, write a persuasive letter to Bradley showing him all the benefits that he could have if he started behaving in class.


Support task:

If you find that too challenging, instead, make a list for Bradley (we know he likes a list) of all the things he could do to help him ‘fit in’ better with his classmates.


L.O: How was Britain able to stand firm against the German threat?

Please complete the task we started at school based on the cartoon. This cartoon from the time shows 10 ways, in which Britain stood firm:


Write an explanation about how each of the ways helped Britain to stand firm against the German threat. Use the class discussion and the powerpoint notes (on Teams) to help you.



Topic: Advent

Please note this work is designed to cover a two-week period.

Activity Resources
Look at Busted Halo Video introducing the Season of Advent


From the Busted Halo video write down 4 things you will try to do better during Advent to help you prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, and two things you will try not to do.  Turn your list into a prayer.


Busted Halo ‘Advent in 2 minutes’


Create own Jesse Tree (studied in Year 4) by using a table top Christmas tree, branch, piece of string with clothes pegs, or simply by drawing and illustrating one.  Take a photo to place in your book.


Take one character from the Jesse Tree and write about why they inspire you and what message they have for people today.


Research the Jesse Tree, e.g. The Jesse Tree (Loyola Press) – recommended ,




Take each theme for the four weeks of Advent – Hope, Peace, Joy and Love and

–          Select a relevant Scripture reading

–          Write a prayer linked to the theme/reading

–          Create a symbol (2D or 3D)

Use to pray with your family at an appropriate time during Advent.

Access to Bible
One of the characters on the Jesse Tree is Joseph.


Read/watch/listen to the Christmas story up to the point when Mary and Joseph arrive at the stable.  Focus on the role of Joseph.


Create a timeline/journey for Joseph from when Mary first told him of the events of the Annunciation to their settling in at the stable.


For each point on the timeline, complete the following:

§  What might Joseph be thinking?

§  What might Joseph be feeling?

§  What question(s) would you ask Joseph at this point?

§  What might we learn from Joseph’s actions?


Find suitable clip online

Access to Bible

Using the above, create a ‘Joseph’s Stations’ using PowerPoint or similar.  If this is not possible then use your own drawings and writing for each station.  One slide for each point on the journey, plus an introductory and concluding slide.  Last slide to be a prayer.


Think about the background/picture for each slide, what questions will you pose for those taking part to reflect upon, will you use background music, what message(s) do you want to try and get across?


If possible, use the worship with your family.


Additional Activity

Research one of the following saints whose feast days are celebrated during Advent, compile a brief fact file, and then complete the relevant activity.

3rd December       –              St Francis Xavier – Brought the Gospel to India, Borneo, Indonesia and Japan.  Write a letter, email or card to someone sharing your favourite Bible story.

4th December       –              St John Damascene – wrote hymns.  Write a hymn to a tune you know, with one verse for each of the four themes of Advent.

7th December       –              St Ambrose – Showed he was prepared to challenge.  Look through a newspaper or the news.  Where do you see injustice?  Write a letter raising awareness to share with your class.

8th December       –              Immaculate Conception – Write an Act of Contrition.  Prepare a poster explaining why it is good to go to Confession during Advent.

12th December     –              Our Lady of Guadalupe – Write a prayer asking her help with a situation or person who needs to know God is close to them.

14th December     –              St John of the Cross – Draw a cross.  Decorate it with scenes from scripture stories from the Annunciation to the birth of Jesus.

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