It’s been a busy week with our learning. We have just begun our new English unit based on the book ‘The Day War Came’ (which is on the reading passport). The children have been inferring meaning from a picture then using personification and similes to write descriptively. In maths, we have been applying our formal methods of addition and subtraction to solve word problems.
We also had our Mass on Tuesday this week – sharing a reflective time with Father Jeremy and Miss Keogh (the chaplain from Oaklands). Well done to all the readers, who read clearly and confidently. Hopefully we’ll be able to share a Mass with parents again sometime soon.
Your child will have their yellow Home Reading Journal returned this week so they can write a review of the book they are reading/ a book they have read. This is due Thursday 1st October.
They will also have received their Homework Book with some vocabulary home learning and the maths they are expected to complete. This is due Thursday 1st October.
In their Homework book, they also have their creative homework task ideas for the autumn term– one piece should be completed each half term.
Reading passports have been sent out. The autumn completion deadline will be given in due course. The children who complete their passport will be put into a draw for the chance to see Pinocchio at the theatre. The class with the most completed entries get to have a complete afternoon of sport with CM Sports.
** Reminders – it’s week 2 next week which means PE lessons will be on Monday! Children should come to school wearing their PE kit.
As the weather begins to turn colder and wetter, please remember children will need a coat to keep warm and dry.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 5 team.