Adios! Au revoir! Goodbye – it’s been fun!
Messages from:
Miss Stapley
I just wanted to say a huge goodbye to you all as I was so disappointed not to catch up with you at the recent meetings. I have spent two years with each of you and through ups and downs in times it has been lovely to see you all grow into even- more wonderful human beings towards year 6. Enjoy the summer holidays and I’ll look forward to seeing you in September… I will be in my garden tending to (and eating) my vegetable and herb crops – all grown from seeds this year… and hopefully getting my hair cut and coloured before the new term!!!
Mrs Edge
Wow, what a short year! It was fantastic to catch up with some of you at the face to face meetings and it’s brilliant that I see so many of you in the Key Worker groups. Enjoy your summer holiday break so you feel fresh and invigorated, ready for your new adventure in Year 6. You are all amazing and unique individuals, who I have enjoyed teaching this year. I look forward to catching up with you in September. God bless and keep you in His care.
Mr Crozier
It has been a pleasure to teach you all and get to know you this year. Even though our time in Year 5 was cut short you have all made great strides with your learning and I know that you are all ready for lots of exciting new adventures in Year 6. I hope you all have an amazing summer break and I look forward to welcoming you all back to school in September!
Mrs Richardson
Hello Everybody,
I hope you all have a fabulous summer holiday and I’m looking forward to seeing you, and working with you, in September.
Work for the summer:
It’s the summer holidays so no formal home learning will be set – a huge thank you to parents and children alike for the home learning that has been going on during lockdown. It has been lovely to see all your work and your commitment and standard of work has been brilliant. This will stand you in good stead for Year 6.
I’m sure you have some lovely plans for the summer (fingers crossed for good weather!) however we would encourage you to keep up your key skills in:
- Times tables on TT Rockstars
- Maths games on Sumdog
- Spellings from the Year 5/6 spelling list
- Reading – don’t forget the Summer Reading Challenge – details below:
Quick fun Science activities, like the example below, from STEM –
Have a great summer and we’ll see you in September.
The Year 5 Team