We got there…..

Wow, what a long and jam packed half term we’ve had!

We have completed two units of work in English, based on Carrie’s War and The Day The War Came; completed lots of concepts in maths (place value, addition, subtraction, methods, perimeter & converting measures) as well as diving into life during World War II. We’ve had whole school Mass, taken part in our Evacuation Day and been on residential to the Sustainability Centre.

As part of Black History Month, the children in Y5 were learning about Jesse Owens. While discovering facts about his life we have had several philosophical conversations about what society was like in 1936.

Half Term Homework Task:

We would like you to research one of the key figures listed below and present your information in a fact file/ poster.

Mary Jackson

Louis Armstrong

Serena or Venus Williams

Katherine Johnson

Stevie Wonder

Raheem Sterling


James Earl Jones

Dorothy Vaughn

Benjamin Zephaniah

Barak Obama

Marcus Rashford


Or, a key figure of your own choice.


Your homework is due on Monday 4th November.

Sumdog homework will also be set.

Wishing you a lovely half term with your family,

The Year 5 Team

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