Preparations are well underway for our carnival next Friday. Children have been working in teams to create their tourist brochure about different aspects of India ready to share with you. The dance workshop has now been rescheduled for next Tuesday and children will be performing their routine at the carnival. Please remember that children should arrive in school next Friday in either traditional Indian clothing or dressed in the colours of India. If they could also bring a bottle for our St Peter’s Fest, we would really appreciate it.
Alongside this, in English children have now started to write their Indian animal non-chronological reports and we hope that these will be completed by the carnival date also.
Thank you to all of the parents who helped walk with the children to and from mass on Tuesday and thank you to all of those who came along to celebrate the Pentecost mass with us.
Reminder: we are currently collecting toiletry items for the Apostleship of the Sea charity. Any small items would be much appreciated.
Word level, spellings and Sumdog home learning has all been set and given out today.
Have a great weekend – let’s hope the sun comes out!
Year 5 team.