Today the children have developed their geographical skills through a study comparison of Waterlooville and the Chihuahuan Desert, on the border of North America and Mexico. They have collaborated to create non chronological poster reports including climate, topography and human features of both places. They have also compared similarities and differences and the position of each location on our planet.
Next week children will be completing their extreme sport reports and investigating a murder mystery in maths, based on line graphs.
This week Andrew Soy (5E) gained the golden key for the improvement in his work rate and understanding. Cameron McIntyre has his work on the showstopper wall. Ruby Garvey (5CW) received the golden key for contributing to class discussions and respecting the opinions of others. Sophie Lictaoa has her writing on the showstopper wall.
Hoping that you have a lovely, sunny weekend,
The Year 5 Team