Monthly Archives: February, 2025

Other Faiths learning

This week, in RE, we learnt about Sikhism and Hinduism. We learnt about their steps to worship. We recognised the similarities and differences to our steps to worship. We also got to explore their different objects that they use when worshipping. It was very fascinating!

Go, go, go Joseph! Go, go, go Oaklands!

This morning, Year 5 were invited to watch a dress rehearsal of Oakland’s act 1 performance of Joseph and the technicolour dreamcoat! Wow! What a performance- well done to Oaklands! We were so inspired by their performance that we used the remainder of the day as a music deep learning day. We discussed and shared informed opinions about what we heard, commenting on the context / purpose and impact of the music. We responded to, identify, compare and contrast music with an awareness of the music’s context and purpose and understood and identified why and how the composer has used key features / devices. We then responded to the music through art. Finally, we researched all about the fantastic composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber.

There is still time to book tickets for the performances at Oaklands and tickets will be available at the door.

Break a leg, team Joseph at Oaklands!