WOW Creative home learning in Year 5!
Our final week sees us completing our World War 2 creative home learning, ready to start our learning on WW2 after the half term break. The children are very excited about our deep learning history day on Monday 11th November and our school trip to Fort Nelson on 13th November (5D) and 15th November (5JNS) to become part of a WW2 squadron to complete challenges as if the children were taking on the different job roles undertaken in wartime.
We wish you an enjoyable and restful break over the half term.
Year 5 team!

Evacuation Satchel Making
A massive well done to all Year 5 children for making their evacuation satchels this past week. They are going to look fantastic on our WW2 Deep learning day after half term! We have some incredibly talented sewers in Year 5!
A huge thank you to all of the parents who were able to help – you made it a true success!