When entering the classroom this week, the pupils found a mysterious note. In brown marker it read ‘Now you have got what you deserve! ha ha ha’ The pupils put on their detective hats to find out who was the culprit! The children had to think of a way to fairly test the different brown markers in the classroom and who they belonged to. That way we could find the person who wrote the suspicious note.
They came up with an enquiry which used their discplinary skills and recalling their year 5 learning on mixtures and substances. They decided to use chromotography paper to seperate the soluble. They added a solvent onto the paper and watched the ink seperate. We could see which pigments where more attracted to the solvent as they followed up with the water unlike the reddish pigment that was more attracted to the paper.
The young detectives could then see the patterns, similarities and differences between the brown markers. They recorded their observations, hypothesised over their results and came up with a conclusion. Using their built evidence they presented their information to a judge who convicted the criminal.
Fantastic work guys!
A few polite reminders for next week –
- Year 5 will be taking part in Mass at the Sacred Heart Church in Waterlooville on Tuesday 30th April. If you would like to join mass and/or walk to the church with us, please drop the school office an email.
- Homework is due on Tuesday 30th April. Also keep up with the reading passports!
- PE is on Wednesday. Please ensure pupils are wearing the correct pe kits.
Have a fantastic rest of your week!
Year 5 Team