Celebration of the word at Oaklands Chapel
This week, Year 5 were kindly invited to participate in a worship at Oaklands Chapel, led by Mrs Semple. We had a wonderful time altogether, reflecting on ourselves as brothers and sisters to one another. Collaboratively, we created a memory of this by each sealing our commitment as a year group by printing our finger prints altogether on a decorative canvas which now hangs proud in our Year 5 area.

A time for reflection…
This week in our RE learning we have been linking our learning all about the ‘marginalised’ to Catholic Social Teaching.
This week, we deepened our understanding about the Catholic Social Teaching key ‘Dignity’ and wrote an acrostic prayer reflecting on the ‘marginalised’.
Here are a few very reflective and thoughtful examples from Year 5….
Reminders for next week…
Home learning and book review is due on Tuesday
PE is Wednesday
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 5 team