Monthly Archives: June, 2023

From Ancient Egypt to Las Vegas

Another creative week for year 5.

To provide a stimulus for our Egyptian topic, Year 5 enjoyed a virtual reality Egyptian workshop in school and explored different aspects of Ancient Egypt from the geography to the Gods to daily life. The children were so excited to take part and they really enjoyed the experience.

On Tuesday, 5SC went to Oaklands to complete their cookery DT project to make plant-based burgers and burger buns to reduce the use of meat and the impact on food waste and the environment. This also linked with their English and Geography topics. The children used scaling to work out ingredients for 2 burger buns and followed their recipe design to create their burgers. They developed numerous cookery skills and enjoyed being at Oaklands in the Food Tech department. Once cooked they assembled their burgers into their made burger boxes and tasted the finish product so they could evaluated it. They had a wonderful time creating and there were a lot of delicious burgers reviews after the tasting.

Reminders for next week:

Homework is set, please engage in TT Rockstars daily and complete the SumDog maths task online.

New class transition dates – Y5 children to meet their new year 6 teachers on Monday 3rd July in the morning and all day on Friday 7th July.


Have a lovely weekend in the sun.

The Year 5 Team


Sweetcorn, sports and steps!

What a busy week had by Year 5!

Did you know that 50 billion burgers are eaten a year in Las Vegas? This fact kicked off year 5’s inspiration to design and make plant-based burgers in our DT learning this half term. This week, the children have taste tested a variety of vegetables to help design their plant-based burgers. Next week, the children are heading over to Oaklands’ catering department to cook their plant-based burgers and buns.


On Tuesday, the children gave it their all for Sports Day. They all participated as champions, individually and as teams. Well done Year 5!

Wednesday, we enjoyed a beautiful day at Chichester Harbour. The children’s day began by looking for sea defences on our walk down to Dell Quay. Next up, we enjoyed a creature hunt along the shoreline where we found many crabs, clams, periwinkles and sea lettuce. After lunch, it was time to step on board the Solar boat on the marina. The children participated in an ‘I’ spy activity by trying to find all of the items on their list. Sadly, no seals were spotted this time! For our final activity of the day, we created a memory card by sticking any memorabilia from the coast onto a card to help us to remember the great time we had on our trip.


The children outshone themselves, demonstrating all of our school values and received very high quality feedback from the teaching team at Chichester Harbour Conservancy. Well done Year 5, this was a very hot day with lots of walking, we are very proud of you!


Reminders for next week:

  • Please return your food allergy reply slip by Monday 26th June
  • VR Egyptian experience rescheduled for Monday 26th June
  • 5SC will be heading over to Oaklands for their cooking on Tuesday 27th June
  • 5D will be heading over to Oaklands for their cooking on Friday 30th June
  • Homework is set, please engage in TT Rockstars daily, complete SumDog maths task on regular polygons and irregular polygons
  • Book reviews due Thursday 29th June

Enjoy another beautiful sunny weekend!

Year 5 team

Let’s get creative with Ancient Egypt

This week we have been sharing our Ancient Egyptian home learning projects. Grace, Jazmin and Ruby impressed us with an amazingly interesting project that was interactive with the class with a very interesting activity. We also had other lovely pieces: an information poster from Riya and a 3D model from Maddie. We will look forward to other projects coming in over this half term.

Reminders for next week:

Homework has been set online for Maths and English work is in the home learning book. We are asking the children to keep a plastic use diary for this week (orange sheet). This homework is due Thursday 22nd June.

RE homework is due on Thursday 22nd June too.

Tuesday 20th June –  KS2 Sports Morning – Children to wear coloured t-shirt to match their house colours. If hot, please provide hat, water bottle and suncream.

Wednesday 21st June –  Chichester Harbour Trip – Children can wear their own clothes, suitable shoes, hat, suncream, water bottle and packed lunch.

Enjoy your weekend.

The Year 5 team

A special visitor for Year 5

This week we enjoyed some time in the sunshine talking to Father Jeremy about Sacraments in preparation for the upcoming topic in RE. We discussed the sacraments of communion – Matrimony and Holy Orders. Father Jeremy was kind enough to share his journey through the priesthood and his role in conducting marriage services. The children then asked questions they had prepared about the sacraments in the Catholic faith.  It’s always lovely to see Father Jeremy and the children enjoyed their time with him.

Reminders for next week:

Homework has been set as usual, including Maths online. The next book review is due Thursday 16th June.

RE homework has been set this week. The children will have 2 weeks to complete. Due date is Thursday 22nd June.

Friday 16th June – Non-uniform day for any bottle contribution for St Peter’s Fest.


Enjoy the sun over the weekend.

The Year 5 Team