Monthly Archives: May, 2023

Ending a half term on a high!

The children have worked hard this half term and as we go into a warm half term, our final assembly, recognising the amazing effort that Y5 put in to our swimming lessons and sponsored swim with a presentation of the money collected in 5SC. A representative from the charity ‘Smile for Wessex’ came into school for the presentation. A huge congratulations to all of year 5 for an amazing sense of stewardship in helping others.


We also finished writing and publishing our instructional text based on The Errand book. The children have been so inspired by this very creative gothic style picture book.


We asked them to evaluate their favourite part of their writing to publish in the style of the book.  This are some of the results:



No formal homework has been set for the holidays although we have encouraged the children to read daily and practise times tables, if needed.  We have given out the creative home learning for our Ancient Egypt topic, which we will begin next half term, in case the children wish to start during the half term.

We look forward to seeing the children on Monday 5th June.

Enjoy the half term

The Year 5 Team


Anyone for tennis?

This week in PE, year 5 has been practising their racket skills in the sunny playground. Next session we will be focusing on our forehand and backhand.


Reminders for next week:

 – Homework is set and due in on Thursday 25th May with book reviews

  • Reports will be given out to children on Wednesday 24th May

Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!

Year 5 team.

Month of Mary

In year 5 we have venerated and praise the Holy Mother, Mary as we continue through the month of May.

We created a Mary altar with with flowers and our colourful praises to Mary.


Class photos will be on Wednesday 17th May – please send your child in with a cardigan or jumper for the photo.

Online maths homework has been set and English and Maths homework is in the home learning book. No book review is set for next week.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 Team.

Science Fun!

This week our science learning has involved more investigations into making new substances using different scientific processes. We have been investigating saturation point of salt and sugar and how to separate individual materials from a mixture.

Big Congratulations to Chloe this week for her football team who came first out of fifteen teams in a tournament at the weekend.

Reminders for next week:

Homework set for this week – Book review due Thursday 11th May. Online maths has been set and English and Maths homework is in the homework book.

Bank Holiday – Monday 8th May – School closed.

Have a lovely coronation weekend.

The Year 5 Team