Crime and Punishment Day!

Hello everyone,

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came in and helped with our DT deep learning day and also to those who provided resources. The children had a blast working in teams to create model sized crime and punishment devices, they really were outstanding! (See blow for all the pictures)

Just a few reminders

  • Next Wednesday will be the last swimming session for Cassowary (5JN) Class. The children have made fantastic progress with their swimming and will be able to show it off next week during their sponsored swim challenge. Our chosen charity is Place2be that help support children suffering with mental health and well being issues. We are very grateful for your sponsorships! We will be collecting money in the next few weeks, this can be handed into the office or given to Mrs Jackson-Nash by your child.
  • Homework which includes spelling, vocab, maths paper task and online task due next Thursday.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit next Thursday.
  • A big well done shout out to the four girls in Kookaburra class and Miss Moore who planned and hosted a bake sale. They raised a whopping £205 for the RSPCA!

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 team!

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