Going for Gold!
Our Year 5 Swimming lessons are well under way and the children are really enjoying the experience. Some children are improving their water confidence including swimming underwater whilst others are improving their swimming techniques and stamina. It is always a wonderful part of our PE curriculum to watch the children grow in confidence with the excellent teaching of the swim teachers.
In two weeks, the children will be completing their swimming certificate assessment and, at the same time, be taking part in a sponsored swim for the Wessex Neurological Centre. Children in 5SC have brought home their sponsorship forms. Even a few pounds can make a big difference so please do not feel that your child has to be sponsored huge amounts to feel that they are not making a difference – any support you can give will always be gratefully appreciated.
Upcoming Reminders:
PE kits for 5JN on Thursday 2nd February.
Swimming kits for 5SC on Wednesday 1st February.
Upcoming Year5/ 6 Mass in school – Tuesday 7th February at 9.15am – all families welcome.
Inset day – Friday 10th February
Wishing you all a happy weekend,
The Year 5 Team
Our Book Reviews!
Check out our book reviews! Cassowary have been working hard reviewing their favourite and not so favourite reads.
Kookaburra class, feel free to upload yours! Just copy the link or scan the qr code to add yours!
Welcome back!
Hello everyone,
Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed some well deserved rest. The children have come back raring to go!
In English, we have begun our new unit ‘Macbeth’ and the children are already very engaged! We started by looking at the opening scenes script, discussing the different devices the author had used. We then had a go at acting it out, then creating a picture (just like a stage director) of what the stage would look like and lastly adding strong vocabulary to describe the scene. We are very excited to see what happens next!
Next week in maths, we are starting our time unit and looking at the conversions/intervals of time. We have started our Christmas unit in RE with our key question ‘ How can the circumstances of Jesus’ birth inspire our actions today’. Other new topics include, coasts, swimming, crime and punishment, singing lessons.
Just a friendly reminder –
- Homework is due on Thursdays. This includes vocab, spellings, online maths and maths paper task.
- 5SC will continue with their swimming lessons on a Wednesday for this half term.
- PE will continue on Thursdays.
- Reading journals are due every 2 weeks. The next reading journal is due 20th January 2023.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Year 5 Team