Hello everyone,
We hope you are well. The children have been extremely busy this week with all their learning. We have studied influential women who changed the world to prepare us when writing our biographies in English. In Maths, we have been working hard exploring equivalent fractions using visual representations and our times table facts.
In Science, we have been conducting numerous experiments to study forces. Last weeks, we studied Nancy Wake- a war hero – and created a parachute just like hers. We wanted to test what would happenĀ if the enemies tried to shot her parachute down. This helped us understand air resistance and surface area.
A few polite reminders –
- Friday 2nd December is World Cup football day. Most children have signed up to this so please ensure they are sent into school wearing their PE kits and trainers.
- Homework which includes vocabulary, spelling and maths is due on Thursday 8th December.
- Friday 9th December is Christmas Jumper day (jumpers, accessories, tops)
- Monday 12th December at 2.15pm is the Year 5 ukulele concert which parents are warmly invited to.
We hope you haveĀ wonderful weekend,
Year 5 team