Flying into the future.

At the end of last week, we attended a STEM morning at Oaklands where BAE Systems presented a roadshow about magnets and electromagnetism. It was great fun and very informative. It also gave us a chance to peek into secondary school science and future careers.

 Before all the Year 8’s joined us!

On Tuesday on wwe celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart with Years 3 and 4. It was lovely to be back in church, celebrating a Mass, with other year groups again. Well done to our readers and servers, who supported the Mass. Thanks to the various family members who walked with us to church, on what turned out to be a very warm day.


Homework is due on Thursday 26th May, as is a book review.

P.E. kits will be needed on Wednesday 25th May.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team


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