We’re simply having a wonderful end of term!

Our last week of term has been extremely busy, but lots of fun, as we go towards the Christmas holidays!


We completed our ukulele lessons in Music for this term. The children have learned so much: different chords, keeping in time with a rhythm, learning different tunes and composing using the learned chords. Today, in the absence of their parent concert, we performed in class.


Today was our KS2 Christmas lunch. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner and pudding and some of us even accessorised for the occasion. Not sure how much work we can complete in the afternoon with full stomachs! Even the adults!


Today was our Panto day (oh no it wasn’t!) We watched Goldilocks, Adventures of a Porridge Thief. It was amazingly funny and the children loved joining in especially with the songs. It got everyone in the Christmas mood especially when Joe Wicks made an appearance!


Our last day of term has been busy finishing our Pandora leaflets and then a few Christmas activities. We ended the day with a Christmas carol concert.



**Reminders for early January 2022:

  • No homework to be set over the Christmas holidays. Encourage your child to keep reading and practising their target times tables.
  • 5SC Swimming kits are needed on Thursday 6th January. Remember to pack a swim hat, goggles and a towel.

*Any swimming consent forms, especially for 5SC, need to be handed in as soon as possible.

  • Winchester Science Museum trip – Tuesday 11th January. Any parents will to help, please indicate on the return slip.

All that remains is to wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy Christmas. Thank you for your support this term and we will see you on Tuesday 4th January 2022. Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

The Year 5 Team


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