Eco-architects of the future?

On Thursday we enjoyed our family STEM day – we had to make eco houses; thinking about which features would make them sustainable. We designed them, thinking about measurements and materials. Using lots of recycling materials, we constructed our eco homes with help from family members. A wonderful time was had by all.

Huge thanks go to all the family members who supported the day. Here are some photos of the day and  final products:



We think there were some family members who were extremely proud of their achievements too!

+ Our STEM day helps us to live out the teachings of the Romero Award (#7 Care for our creation: the world was made by God, so we take care of all creation). If we can live more sustainably then we are taking care of the world God created for us.


P.E. kits are needed on Wednesday 17th November.

Red homework books are due on Thursday 18th November.

Yellow Reading journals are due Thursday 25th November.

It is the Year 5 and 6 Mass, at school, on Tuesday 16th November.

** Our trip to Fort Nelson takes place on Thursday 18th November – please ensure children wear appropriate clothing for the day as it can get very chilly there if it’s a cold and/ or wet day.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team

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