Busy first week back!

It has been a busy first week back and it’s been lovely to hear about all the fun, family times over the half term break.

In English and Maths, the children have begun new units: Extreme Sports and fractions and decimals and we will be continuing on our learning journey in these areas next week looking at creating our own report on extreme sports to be submitted to the First News newspaper and calculating fractions with different denominators. In RE, we have been looking at different Saints and how their actions inspire us to follow in their faith and footsteps and have been creating prayers from All Souls day on Monday.  Some of our Year 5 children have been completing their peer mediator training this week to help other children resolve conflict issues on the playground more effectively. They have really enjoyed the opportunity to learn about how they can help their school community.

Home Learning

Our usual home learning schedule resumes this week with English and Maths homework stuck into home learning books and the usual arithmetic and times table challenges set on Sumdog. Children have been given Sumdog and TT Rockstars login ins so if your child has forgotten their logins then please ask a member of the Year 5 team and we can update them.  Weekly times table test has gone home with the children as well to focus their learning on specific gaps in their knowledge. TT Rockstars is a good place to practise times tables.


  • Thank you for the recycling items so far, please continue to send in recycling items for our STEM day next Thursday (11th November).  Smaller items are really useful too such as bottle tops, yogurt/actimel pots, small plastic trays, toilet tubes, for the smaller details on the Eco Homes. Pipe cleaners, foil, material, felt can help to add other details inside and outside the homes too.  Larger items are good for the overall structure.
  • Next week is Week 2 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Monday 8th November.
  • Reply slips for the trip to Fort Nelson need to be returned by Monday 15th November.
  • Friday 12th November is WEAR IT BRIGHT DAY – in aid of CAFOD. Children can wear any bright clothes they want and bring a suggested donation of £1 (or £1 per family) to raise funds for CAFOD development projects around the world.

Have a lovely weekend and let’s hope we can enjoy more autumn sunshine.

The Year 5 Team

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