Enjoy the half term!

This week, in maths, we have been dividing using grouping and a formal method and in English we have planned and written our sensory descriptions based on the book ‘The Day War Came’. For R.E. we have looked at why some Christians go on pilgrimage, creating a leaflet to explain what pilgrimage is, why Christians might go on a pilgrimage and some information about Lourdes, France.


Home Learning:

Half term homework

Over the half term you need to:

  • Complete the extreme sports planning sheet, ready for the first week back (Thursday 4th November)
  • Continue to read Letters from the Lighthouse – our aim is to finished by the end of the first week back (this ticks off one of your Reading Passport reads)
  • Continue to read a Year 5 Must Read book
  • See if you can tick off one of the smaller reads from your Reading Passport, such as a poem/ news article/ book of your choice
  • Continue to practise your multiplication facts.
  • Collect resources wanted/ needed for building your sustainability house.


  • First week back is Week 2 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Wednesday 3rd November.
  • Reply slips for the trip to Fort Nelson need to be returned by Monday 15th November.
  • Please return any slips if you are able to help on the family STEM day, on the 11th November.


Have a fabulous half term,

The Year 5 Team

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