Monthly Archives: October, 2021

Enjoy the half term!

This week, in maths, we have been dividing using grouping and a formal method and in English we have planned and written our sensory descriptions based on the book ‘The Day War Came’. For R.E. we have looked at why some Christians go on pilgrimage, creating a leaflet to explain what pilgrimage is, why Christians might go on a pilgrimage and some information about Lourdes, France.


Home Learning:

Half term homework

Over the half term you need to:

  • Complete the extreme sports planning sheet, ready for the first week back (Thursday 4th November)
  • Continue to read Letters from the Lighthouse – our aim is to finished by the end of the first week back (this ticks off one of your Reading Passport reads)
  • Continue to read a Year 5 Must Read book
  • See if you can tick off one of the smaller reads from your Reading Passport, such as a poem/ news article/ book of your choice
  • Continue to practise your multiplication facts.
  • Collect resources wanted/ needed for building your sustainability house.


  • First week back is Week 2 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Wednesday 3rd November.
  • Reply slips for the trip to Fort Nelson need to be returned by Monday 15th November.
  • Please return any slips if you are able to help on the family STEM day, on the 11th November.


Have a fabulous half term,

The Year 5 Team

New skills and fun…

This week saw 5E visit the Sustainability Centre. Again, we had 3 days experiencing living sustainably and finding out all about the diversity of the South Downs. We all have new skill sets to add to our repertoire; confidence and leadership skills were gained as well as learning about our environment.

+ This experience has fantastic links to our Catholic Social Teaching as the world was made by God; we are following in His footsteps by taking care of His creation (Romero Award #7) Looking after our planet and each other is for the common good (Romero Award #2).



There are lots more photos, which the children have seen at the end of today. They thoroughly enjoy trying to find themselves in the photos taken!

I hope they have a good rest, ready for school on Monday.

Have a restful weekend,

Mrs Edge, Mrs Moore and Mrs Jonas

Busy penultimate week!

It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of our first half term in year 5. The children have settled into their new routine they have grown in confidence, knowledge and skills. It is always such a positive difference from when they entered at the beginning of September with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

This week we continued our multiplication using formal methods and used our metacognition thinking to solve a complex problem and in English, we continued to learn and practise different sentence techniques for descriptive writing. In RE, we started our Prayers, Saints and Feasts units looking at prayers and how they can influence our thinking and strengthen our faith. In Science, we continued to investigate different forces and investigated how adding salt to water affected buoyancy.

Home Learning:

In the yellow Home Reading Journal, children are expected to complete a book review about a book they have read or are reading. This is due on Thursday 21st October.

In their red Homework Book, children have this week’s vocabulary task to complete along with spellings and maths. This is due on Thursday 21st October.

Reading passports – please continue to check these, to see which books need to be read. Children can access books in their library session on Thursdays.

Must Reads – please encourage your child to continue to read the Must Reads. There are 6 books over 6 half terms.  We have copies in school for the children to borrow.


  • Next week is Week 1 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Monday 18th October.
  • Any contributions for harvest festival assembly would be gratefully appreciated. Tins, packets, or any non-perishable goods please.


5E Residential Blog to follow.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

5SC Residential Trip

This week saw 5SC visit the Sustainability Centre for 3 days to experience different activities about the environment and how to live sustainably. A great time was had by all and we all gained new skills, confidence in our abilities and an appreciation for our environment.


+ This experience has fantastic links to our Catholic Social Teaching as the world was made by God; we are following in His footsteps by taking care of His creation (Romero Award #7) Looking after our planet and each other is for the common good (Romero Award #2).

We’ll meet again…

We ended our week with an evacuation of the children – they experienced life as an evacuee making tags, ration books and I.D cards, experienced an air-raid siren and having to find shelter and walking to station, saying goodbye to their school. They also created their own propaganda posters, played some 1940’s playground games and were lucky enough to have a visitor who brought World War artefacts to show them.  A great day was had by all!!!



Home Learning:

In the yellow Home Reading Journal, children are expected to complete a book review about a book they have read or are reading. This is due on Thursday 7th October.

In their red Homework Book, children have this week’s vocabulary task to complete along with spellings and maths. This is due on Thursday 7th October.

Reading passports – please continue to check these, to see which books need to be read.


  • Please send in any completed medical forms for the residential visit as soon as possible.
  • Next week is Week 2 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Monday 4th October.
  • 5SC Sustainability Residential– arrive at normal time on Monday (8.30am onwards) No school uniform is required for the trip.


Have a super week,

The Year 5 Team