This week, in English, we have been planning and starting to write our evacuation diaries. In Maths, we have been using our knowledge of place value and number to add or subtract using formal written methods. We have also used this knowledge to add or subtract with decimal numbers. We’ve looked at how we can live the Beatitudes in our daily life (R.E.) as well as thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the UK being an island during WWII (Geog.)
We also celebrated Mass on Tuesday (please see Mr Cunningham’s blog page) which was a lovely event. Well done to the Year 5’s who read the prayers so beautifully. At the end of Mass, the pupil chaplains were asked to affirm their promise to share the Word of God around the school and beyond. Each pupil chaplain was given their own special candle.
Home Learning:
In the yellow Home Reading Journal, children are expected to complete a book review about a book they have read or are reading. This is due on Thursday 7th October.
In their red Homework Book, children have this week’s vocabulary task to complete along with spellings and maths. This is due on Thursday 30th September.
Sent home today, is a creative homework task – children need to make their own gas mask box ready for being evacuated on Thursday 30th September.
Reading passports – please continue to check these, to see which books need to be read.
- Please send in any completed medical forms for the residential visit as soon as possible.
- Next week is Week 1 – P.E. kits need to be worn on Wednesday 29th September.
- WW2 Evacuation Day – in school – Thursday 30th September.
Have a lovely week,
The Year 5 Team