It’s been full steam ahead during this first full week of school. Children have been covering number and place value in Maths while they have started their evacuation topic in English. The children empathised with evacuees through the drama we did at the start of the week. We’ve had some great discussions and questions in History, finding out about the reasons behind the outbreak of World War II and investigated the use of forces in our Science lesson.
Home Learning:
Your child now has their Homework diary. Please spend some time going through the first 6 pages together, recollecting different prayers, going to Mass and life in the church.
Children now have their yellow Home Reading Journal which were given out this week. Their first piece of work is to decorate the first page with a representation of their favourite book or a book they have really enjoyed. It will need the title and author but they can decorate it any way they wish. This is due on Thursday 23rd September.
They will also have received their Homework Book with spellings to learn, some vocabulary home learning and the maths they are expected to complete. Year 5/6 spellings are stuck on the inside front cover and the different spelling strategies to use are stapled to the inside of the back cover. This is due on Thursday 16th September.
In their Homework book, they also have their creative homework task ideas for the autumn term – one piece should be completed each half term.
Reading passports have been sent out. The autumn completion deadline will be given in due course.
- Week 1 – children will need to come dressed in their P.E. kits on Wednesday 15th September. They will have PE with CM Sports on that day.
- Year 5 Welcome Meeting – online – Monday 13th September 4 – 4.30 pm.
- Residential Information Meeting – online – Tuesday 21st September 4pm.
- Please send in any completed medical forms for the residential visit as soon as possible.
- WW2 Evacuation Day – in school – Thursday 30th September (Please note the change of date.)
Have a fantastic weekend,
The Year 5 Team