This week we have been planning the sections of our Extreme Sports news article, based on the home learning research completed at the start of the unit. We have also started writing our sections , which will need some refining and editing before we complete our articles. In maths, we’ve had a short break from number work to practise working on reflection and translation of shapes and coordinates. Next week, we will be starting to look at measure – looking at converting units of metric measurement using our knowledge of place value. We will be concentrating on l’s to ml’s and m’s to cm’s. We will then apply this knowledge to solving problems.
For history, we have been continuing to study the ancient Egyptians through looking at artefacts and matching them to names and descriptions. This has helped us to understand how and why objects were used during that time. We also made comparisons to modern day life, deciding whether the objects still had a place/ use in today’s society. Making bread certainly did but we weren’t too sure about eating the 3500 year old loaf that was found in a tomb! Well done to the children who are bringing in some very creative ancient Egyptian homework. See some of the examples below, with more to follow.
We also had a visit from Lee Haywood, our cyber-safety adviser, who talked to us about how many online sites worked and how we could keep cyber safe. This is very important as Year 5 become more independent with the use of electronic devices.
P.E. is on Monday the 10th May – children need to come into school wearing their P.E. kits.
Homework is due on Thursday 13th May.
A poem called Peer Pressure was given to each child so that they can begin practising to learn off by heart by the end of the term. We will be doing this performance as a class.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 5 Team