Monthly Archives: April, 2021

What did the old Egyptian get by staring at the river?

What a lovely week we have had… we continued to look at extreme sports and evaluate different article layouts to prepare ourselves for writing our First News style article/report as well as practise our sentence structures to present our information about our chosen sports. In Maths we continued with our formal written methods in multiplication and division and applying our strategies to solve multi-step problems. RE saw us depicting the four parts of the Easter Vigil and in History we travelled along the Nile where the children created an annotated map of why the Nile was so important to the Ancient Egyptians.


  • Homework has been given out and stuck in the children’s’ home learning book. It is due in as usual on a Thursday (6th May).
  • A book review is due in Thursday 6th May.
  • Chichester Harbour trip letter has been sent home this week (please check bags). Dates and details of the cost of the trip are on the letter. You can pay on SCOPAY or send money in with your child.
  • PE day – Wednesday 5th May.
  • Please ensure your child has a coat/jacket/rainmac in with them if the weather is forecast for rain as we will send the children out in light rain so that they are able to play and get fresh air. Some children were caught out on Wednesday this week when the rain appeared for lunchtime.  Thank you.

Enjoy your spring bank holiday weekend and we will see the children back in school on Tuesday 4th May.

The Year 5 Team


Answer: See-Nile!

What music do mummies listen to?

Welcome back!

This term we have a new topic all about Ancient Egypt. The children were given their Ancient Egypt creative homework sheet yesterday along with their English and Maths homework.

We have a new topic for English too – Extreme Sports. Our final outcome will be a magazine article, which we are hoping the editor-in-chief at First News will read through and maybe publish some of the work.

In maths we are going over formal methods of multiplying and dividing. This week we have been multiplying up to 4-digit numbers by 1-digit and tackling 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication using a formal method. Next week we will move on to using formal methods of dividing.


P.E. will be on Monday 26th April – P.E. kits need to be worn all day.

English, spelling and maths homework is due on Thursday 29th April.

Book reviews are due on Thursday 6th May along with their regular homework.

Enjoy the weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Answer: ‘Wrap music’!

Happy Easter!

We have not set any homework for the Easter break except reading ‘The Boy in the Tower’ to page 136.

Please remember to read and practise your multiplication facts daily. This will be useful for when we return as we will be revisiting multiplication and division in Maths.

PE kit will be worn on Wednesday 21st April.

A book review for home learning will be due on Thursday 22nd April.

Enjoy your Easter break and we look forward to seeing you refreshed on Monday 19th April for the summer term.

The Year 5 Team