It was lovely to see the return of nearly all the children on Monday morning – so many of them have got noticeably taller and most had longer hair than before they left! It’s been a full week of learning – we’re recapping formal methods for solving addition and subtraction calculations in Maths; we’ve re-started our English unit based on the Ruin short animation film and they are studying the Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen for Guided Reading.
We’ve had a circle time for PSHE followed by a game that involved the whole of Year 5, to re-settle the children on Monday. There’s been awe and wonder at Skittles losing their food colouring (rainbows galore) in Science along with a discussion about the solubility of other materials in water; PE; a start to learning Spanish and, in RE, ordering some of the qualities in St Paul’s letters based on their opinion.
All in all, a busy week. I think there will be some very tired children this evening!
The children will need to wear their P.E. kits on Monday 15th March as we will be Week 2.
Homework books have been sent home, with tasks glued in. There is vocabulary work to research, spellings to practise and Sumdog activities to complete. This is due in on Thursday 18th March.
A book review was also set for homework but this is due by Thursday 25th March.
Hoping the rain holds off and that you all have a relaxing weekend,
The Year 5 Team