World Book Day, final week of home learning and a huge thank you!

So we come to the end of our lockdown learning and would like to say a huge thank you to the children who have engaged and focused so well on maintaining a learning routine at home and for parents/carers who have supported this extended time of remote learning. Your commitment will ensure that the transition back to classroom learning next week will be easier for the children.

We have been so impressed by the quality of work that has been submitted as well as the creativity, resilience and independence of the children. We hope that this will be the final lockdown for schools.

This week saw us celebrating World Book Day from home. Miss Stapley could not resist dressing up for her video calls and was joined on Teams by Cian dressed as a viking warrior and Emelia who was inspired by our Macbeth English unit to dress as one of the witches.


Please see below a selection of fantastic work that we have received this week – Lent reflections in RE, looking at the water cycle in PDL and considering how to save water, creating sundials in science to tell the time and raining city landscapes in art as well as continuing to complete creating topic projects for Space :

Other reminders:

Bedtime stories are still being uploaded daily to the School blog for the children to view each night. Go and check them out!

Return to school notices:

  • School drop off remains the same from Monday 8th March to the North playground for KS2 (8.30-8.50am).
  • Please pack water bottles for the children’s return and warm clothes as we will continue to ventilate the classrooms.
  • All work books/folders that the children have been working in at home will need to come into school the first week back.
  • If your child has a copy of ‘The Boy in the Tower’ at home, this will need to be returned on Monday for our guided reading sessions.
  • Any outstanding library books should be returned for Y5 library sessions on Thursdays.
  • PE next week is Wednesday 10th March so the children can come to school in their PE kit.

Many thanks again for your continuing support through these different times and we look forward to seeing the children on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend.

Year 5 Team.





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