Here he we go again…

Wow! What a week! It was lovely to have seen most of you in school on Monday and catch up about your Christmas presents.

Well done for settling into working on Teams again so quickly. Just a few reminders about expectations when working on Teams:

  1. Even if you are working through the Oaks videos, you must record all your answers. (In a book, on paper, on a word document, powerpoint – however you want to record it.) All the support and challenge tasks are on word documents and you can record your answers to those as well.
  2. If you cannot access the work via the ASSIGNMENTS tab, go to the FILES tab and find the work in the January 2021 folder.
  3. Please try to check in at least once a day on a class video call.
  4. Class chat is for work purposes not for sending messages or emojis to each other – all your chat conversations are visible to staff.
  5. English and Maths will be uploaded daily.
  6. Foundation subjects will have a week’s worth of work uploaded at the start of the week.
  7. We only need ONE photo/ uploaded piece of work per day for English and Maths.


Next week, you may not receive a message back from your teacher immediately as we are also teaching children who are in the classroom at the same time.

We will respond to work sent by the end of the week.

No formal work will be set for Friday afternoons – please use this time to finish any incomplete work.

Reading passports have been uploaded to FILES and ASSIGNMENTS – this is for the whole of the spring term.



Sumdog homework was set on Thursday – there is a multiplication task and an arithmetic task to complete by Thursday 14th January.


Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 team.

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