Additional Science Learning Activity – Due 1st December

(Helicopter template available to print. If no printer then copy the template with a pencil and a ruler onto a piece of paper or card.

You have until Tuesday 1st December to complete these activities. Upload a photo to Teams or send to your class email.

Extension Challenge:

·       Can you change the shape of your plane so that is stays in the air longer? Which designs work better to achieve this?

·       Does using a different type of paper or material affect the time spent airborne.

·       Does changing the size of the hoops or length of the straw keep the glider in the air longer?

Record what happens during your investigations. This can be done by:

·       Drawing and labelling a diagram of your results.

·       Creating a table to show how many seconds each design stays in the air.

·       Taking a video of you completing the investigations with you adding scientific commentary as to what you found out.

Bring this in to school on Wednesday 2nd December for your next investigation in science on that afternoon.

Extension Challenge:

·       Can you change the shape of your plane so that is stays in the air longer? Which designs work better to achieve this?

·       Does using a different type of paper or material affect the time spent airborne.

·       Does changing the size of the hoops or length of the straw keep the glider in the air longer?

Record what happens during your investigations. This can be done by:

·       Drawing and labelling a diagram of your results.

·       Creating a table to show how many seconds each design stays in the air.

·       Taking a video of you completing the investigations with you adding scientific commentary as to what you found out.

Bring this in to school on Wednesday 2nd December for your next investigation in science on that afternoon.

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