Welcome to the first Year 5 blog of the year. We have had a busy week getting back into the school routine and catching up! As teachers, it has been a time of putting names to faces and getting to know individual personalities. The pupils have made a fantastic start to their learning – we have been really impressed with their hard working attitude!
You will have received several pieces of paper and a yellow book from your child this week. Hopefully you all have a copy of the Home School Agreement, St Peter’s home learning timings and a list of term dates. You should have seen a letter about the Year 5 ‘Must Reads’ containing information about 6 books we are expecting the children to read over the coming academic year. There was also a letter that explained a bit about the Home Reading Journals (yellow books) we sent home. The first piece of homework is due on Monday. We’ve already had quite a few books back showing some amazing homework.
Please could you get your child to complete the front section of their home learning diary. They should also complete any other relevant information in the correct spaces.
** Reminder – it’s week 2 next week which means PE lessons will be on Monday! Children should come to school wearing their PE kit.
If you have any library books still at home, please could you send them in with your child on Thursday, which is when we have our library time.
Finally, please click on the link below to find our Year 5 welcome information video where you will hear about the routines and expectations for learning in Year 5.
Year 5 welcome video for parents
In the meantime, have a great weekend and enjoy the sunny weather!
The Year 5 team.