Home Learning Week Beginning 26th June, 2020

Hello Year 5,

We’re really looking forward to seeing you face-to-face, those of you who are attending the ‘keeping in touch’ sessions at school. The sessions start the week beginning 29th June. If you want, you could bring in some of the home learning you have been doing or anything you are really proud of, to share.

Don’t forget to email through your one favourite piece of work so that we can see all of the great learning you have done.

This week’s tasks are as follows:

Reading and Writing:

Reading and writing home learning for the week beginning Monday 29th June

For your English work this week you will once again be using the Oaks National Academy website. The focus is on biographical writing. Remember a biography is when someone writes about another person’s life. The first 2 lessons will develop your comprehension skills where you will read and answer questions individuals who have influenced the world. Lessons 3 to 5 will then help you practise some key writing skills before applying them to your own short biography.


Please continue to ensure that you are reading an age appropriate book for at least 20 minutes each day. It is so important to help you build your vocabulary and develop your fluency and stamina!

Lesson 1: Reading comprehension


Lesson 2: Reading comprehension



Lesson 3: To identify the features of a text


Lesson 4: Using parenthesis accurately in your writing.


Lesson 5: To plan and write a biography.




If you would like an extra challenge for your writing this week, please complete the activities below using this image as a stimulus:

Task 1: Question time

The first moments of a turtle’s life are critically important for its survival chances. Why do you think this is the case?

Why is it that female turtles lay their eggs on the beach?

Can you think of any other animals that live in the water and on the land?

What are the differences between amphibians and reptiles? Which group does the turtle belong to?

Task 2: Continue to story

She blinked her sleepy eyes as she took in her first sights of the world around her. With an almighty effort she pushed back her legs, breaking away another tiny fragment of her shell.

Soon, she would be free. Soon, she would have to tackle her next enormous challenge. It wasn’t going to be easy. Her epic journey was only just beginning…

Task 3: Perfect picture!

Soon, the turtle will enter the ocean. Can you draw or describe the moment when the turtle first reaches the water?



Task 1: 20 minutes of times tables work every day. Use TT Rockstars to help you practise.

Task 2: One arithmetic task and one times tables task on Sumdog.

Task 3: There are 2 activities set on My Maths to complete. Use your login details to get onto the website.

Task 4:

Taken from Oak National Academy

Lesson 1 – complete the quiz from the previous lesson


Watch the video and complete tasks given within it


Complete the activities based on the lesson



Lesson 2 – complete the quiz from the previous lesson


Watch the video and complete tasks given within it


Complete the activities based on the lesson



Lesson 3complete the quiz from the previous lesson


Watch the video and complete tasks given within it


Complete the activities based on the lesson



Lesson 4complete the quiz from the previous lesson


Watch the video and complete tasks given within it


Complete the activities based on the lesson


Lesson 5complete the quiz from the previous lesson


Watch the video and complete tasks given within it


Complete the activities based on the lesson


Task 5:

Taken from HIAS problem solving:


From White Rose Y5 Maths:

Spellings and Grammar:

Task 1: Spelling task on Sumdog.

Task 2: Grammar task on Sumdog.

Task 3:

To use the correct suffixes.

To revise grammar rules.

Continue to learn the spellings on the Year 5/6 Spelling List – do a few at a time.









Family Science Activity

Giant Bubbles

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/giant-bubbles – watch the video

  • Make a home-bubble mixture and wands. Use them to look more closely at the characteristics and behaviour of soap bubbles.
  • ExpeRiment with different shapes and sizes of bubbles and see what you can and cannot control about bubbles. Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round.
  • Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round.

https://www.rigb.org/docs/giantbubbles_infosheet_0_0.pdf – details on the information sheet.

You will need:

  • Good quality washing up liquid
  • Water
  • Glycerin (optional)
  • Plastic tub or other container for bubble mixture
  • Measuring jug (optional)
  • Various things with holes in them for blowing bubbles with. Watch the video for ideas. Straws, pipe cleaners, paperclips, coat hangers, cookie cutters and cake tins with removable bottoms are all particularly good.
  • For giant bubbles: wooden spoons (or other sticks), a couple of metres of string and a small weight you can thread through it, like a metal key ring or nut.

What to do:

A mixture we found that works is 1 litre of water, 100ml of washing up liquid and 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of glycerin. Blow some bubbles!

Put a straw into your bubble solution and try blowing gently into the liquid. You should be able to make a lot of bubbles very quickly. Then dip one end of a straw into the solution, take it out and blow gently through the other end. See if you can control the size of bubble you can blow out of the straw.

Try making bubbles using things with bigger holes, like a paperclip or pipe cleaner bent into a circle. Try poking a dry finger into a bubble, then try the same thing after dipping your finger in bubble solution.

Try making bubbles inside bubbles by poking a straw dipped in bubble solution into an existing bubble and blowing again.

Try out objects with different shaped holes, like cookie cutters or pipe cleaners bent into other shapes. Try objects with really big holes, like a coat hanger or a cake baking tin with its bottom removed. Try making giant bubbles with the special wand we show you how to make in the video.

Going Further:

  • You can experiment with your bubble mixture and giant bubble wand to see just how big you can get your bubbles to be. There are lots of different bubble mixture recipes on the internet, just search for “soap bubble recipe”.
  • You could try making two or three of them and comparing how good the bubbles they make are.

Topic – India

L.O: To research the key features of a contrasting country.

As part of our country study we would have been researching India, ready for the carnival. Over the coming weeks we will give you areas of research for you to find details and put them together in an interesting way of your choice.


Over the next week, please start to research these NEW areas:

Sports associated with India/ originating in India. Famous Indian sports personalities.

Wildlife in India – include the habitats, food preferences and drawings/ pictures of the wildlife.


Websites to help:










Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Hans Zimmer


Why is Hans Zimmer considered a musical trail blazer?


Now listen to the whole piece in the second video.

Zimmer tells us to,

‘Do what you wanna do with it!’

How can you ‘play and get creative’ with this piece?



Our school patronal feast day takes place on Sunday 28th June. In order to prepare for this special time of the year, please choose ONE of the following activities in order to learn more about St. Peter…


  • Write a diary entry as St. Peter, when he escaped from prison. Describe how he felt when the Lord sent an angel to free him from the jail that Herod had cruelly locked him up in. How did they get out of the prison?


  • Jesus told Peter, ‘I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’. Design the keys and include as many symbols as you can to represent St. Peter and why he was so special. What would the keys be made of?
  • Jesus said to Peter, ‘You are a rock, and on this rock I will build my church’. Could you paint or decorate a stone or pebble, to show ways in which to build God’s church? (e.g. by spreading love, faith and Good News).
  • Create a selection of short prayers to ask for God’s guidance during the global pandemic. How could we demonstrate the courage, faith and commitment that was demonstrated by St. Peter, as we work to support others?
  • Take a look at the St. Peter’s logo on our school website. Can you re-design the crest so it reflects the qualities of St. Peter? (e.g. trust,  hope, responsibility). Why did Jesus say ‘feed my lambs’? How might St. Peter ask us to continue God’s work on earth?
  • Use the internet to research St. Peter – can you make a fact file about our school saint? Which key words might you use as part of your factual information page? Were there any articles about St. Peter that particularly interested or surprised you?



Art Challenge: The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT

The title for your art this week is The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT. This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!

Here are some ideas:

CHALLENGE: Design your own vehicle, maybe one that flies and can float on water!

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

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