Home learning activities for week beginning Monday 27th April

A message from Miss Stapley
Hello all,
It’s been so lovely to hear about all the lovely activities you have been doing to keep yourselves busy and entertained during this lockdown period and I have been so very impressed at how you are keeping up with the home learning on the Year 5 blog.
Like you I have been enjoying the sun and my garden and trying to keep busy with my family especially my bunny, Sammy who has been constructing her burrow out of a cardboard box.
As Science is never far from my mind 😊, I have also started to grow my own vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, courgettes and beetroots. I shall be potting in bigger pots this weekend and they will then live in our mini greenhouse until big enough to be sown in our vegetable garden.
Like a lot of you (especially Taylor and Hanna 😊), I have been doing lots of baking to feed my very hungry teenage children – as you can see there is not much left of the chocolate banana bread I made yesterday!!!
I look forward to seeing all your photographs and talking to you on the phone.
Stay happy and stay well.
Lots of love, Miss Stapley
A message from Mrs Edge

It’s been lovely to talk to you on the telephone and hear that you are enjoying the sunshine.

I too have been growing my own vegetables ready to put into the garden. With the sunny weather I’ve been keeping on top of the gardening – especially the weeds! Mrs Lavery and I have been swapping plants and seeds, when we see each other or leave them in a space at school when we are at work on different days.

My cats are enjoying the extra cuddles they get because I am at home most of the time but they also like to sit on my laptop when I am doing my schoolwork. This makes it very difficult to get anything done! They also like to sit across the jigsaw puzzles I have been completing. Mrs Richardson and I have been switching puzzles with each other, when we are in school.

I’ve made some flapjacks alongside my husband – his are not very healthy at all, containing chocolate chips and marshmallows. Mrs Lavery baked an amazing chocolate cake for me. When we were in school on Wednesday I managed to cut slices for Mrs Burrows and Mr Crozier so I don’t eat it all and end up looking like a cake!

We’re all looking forward to seeing your work and photographs as we miss you all.

Keep yourselves safe and be good for those who look after you,

Mrs Edge

Below are your home learning tasks for this week:


Task 1:

Please make sure that you continue to read for at least 20 minutes every day. Please make sure you are choosing an age appropriate book! Here are the links again for 2 websites where you can access free E-books online:




Task 2:

Reading Comprehension: A Sprinkle of Sorcery by Michelle Harrison

How to use:

How can parents help?

  • Read the extracts aloud with your child.
  • Check your child understands any new or unfamiliar vocabulary.
  • Adapt any of the resources and materials as you feel necessary to support your child’s needs.


Lesson 1: Read and enjoy

Use the link to download the free extract and read the prologue (Pages 1 to 5)



Lesson 2: Vocabulary Checker

Complete the vocabulary checker below. Use a dictionary (if you haven’t got a dictionary use an online dictionary) to define the word in context, identify  3 possible synonyms and draw an image of the word to help you remember. Here is an example to help you. I use the word ‘bear’, wrote the definition in the context of how it was used in the text, I found 3 synonyms and then drew a picture to help me remember:

Now your go:


The lord’s men took pity on the witch, and left her with one good eye.

Word: pity

Write the word in a sentence:

Find three synonyms:




Draw a picture of the word to help you remember:


A group of fisherman had been swept near to the island by a wayward tide.

Word: wayward

Write the word in a sentence:

Find three synonyms:




Draw a picture of the word to help you remember:



Despite her bubbling resentment towards him, there was still good in her heart.

Word: resentment

Write the word in a sentence:

Find three synonyms: 




Draw a picture of the word to help you remember:


He set off, thinking about the mysterious island, but vowed he would do as the witch asked.

Word: vowed

Write the word in a sentence:

Find three synonyms:  




Draw a picture of the word to help you remember:


Lesson 3: Text mark – think aloud

Read the opening extract from the prologue (below). As you read text mark for clues about the character of the witch and the lord.

THERE WAS ONCE A POWERFUL WITCH WHO LIVED on the edge of a marsh. She lived alone except for her familiar: a large black raven. Every day, people would come to her, seeking help, and every day the witch would assist them in return for some small token or favour. Her magic could cure many things: from warts to worries; from broken fingers to broken hearts. One day she had a visitor – the lord of the land – who had come in disguise. He was a cruel man who had heard stories of the witch’s magic, and he couldn’t bear to think that anyone was wealthier or more powerful than him. While he was quickly satisfied that the witch was far from rich, he unexpectedly began to fall in love with her. But the witch did not return his feelings, even when he threw off his disguise and revealed who he truly was. Unable to forget her, the lord returned to visit her again. He couldn’t understand why the witch did not love him back, and he flew into a rage and ordered for her to be blinded. ‘If you will not look at me and love me, you will not look at anyone,’ he declared. But the lord’s men took pity on the witch, and left her with one good eye. ‘You can take my eye,’ she told him, ‘but I will always see you clearly.’ And she enchanted an old stone with a hole through the middle to act as a magical eye for the one she had lost. When the lord returned a third time, and the witch’s feelings towards him had still not changed, he lost his temper again. This time he demanded that her voice be taken. ‘If you will not say you love me,’ he said, ‘then you will not speak at all.’ And he ordered his men to cut out her tongue and throw it into the marshes. But, after the lord left, the witch’s raven croaked in a harsh, rasping voice: ‘You may have taken my tongue, but you will never silence me.

Lesson 4: Response to reading

Use your text marking to help you complete the opinion scales. Add evidence to explain your thinking.

Character name: Witch
strongly agree
don’t know  
strongly agree


Character name: Lord
strongly agree
don’t know
strongly agree


Lesson 5: Quick quiz

Number the following events from the prologue from 1–5 to show the order in which they happened.

The first one has been done for you.


The raven becomes the witches voice.                              


The lord of the land falls in love with the witch.             1


The witch is blinded in one eye.


The lord’s greed is his undoing.


All of the items in the cauldron were transformed.



This week we would like you to use the link below and complete the 5 activities that will help you write a setting description. There are 5 lessons in total so you could choose to do one lesson each day. Just watch the teacher video and complete the activities. Think back to all of the great setting descriptions you have written in Year 5 this year: The Day The War Came description, your Ruin story and your description of the homeless woman in the snow and use all of the skills you learned from these units to help you.



Lesson 1: Setting description: Reading comprehension – Fact retrieval

Lesson 2: Setting description: Reading comprehension – fact retrieval

Lesson 3: Setting description: Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4: Setting description: Grammar focus – parenthesis

Lesson 5: Setting description: Write a setting description



Task 1: Complete spelling task on Sumdog.

Task 2:  Complete Grammar task on Sumdog.

Task 3: Complete the proof reading exercise below so that all the words are spelt correctly.

Last night we visited a restorant, which was eggcelant! The waiter reccomended some dishes, which were marvelous. Unfortunately, I woke up in the night with agresive stomach ache. My mother felt is would be neccesary to get some profesionul advise, so we contacted the doctor. By now, I hada serious tempreture.

Luckily the doctor prescribed some espshaly strong medicine and I recovered quickly. What a dissastrus meal that turned out to be!



Task 1: 20 minutes of times tables work every day. Use TT Rockstars to help you practise.

Task 2: Arithmetic task and times tables task have been set for you on Sumdog.

Task 3: There are 2 activities set on My Maths to complete. Use your log in details to get onto the website.

Task 4: Complete the Maths calculations below involving money, measures and problem solving –


The cost of using a minibus is £2.50 for each mile. 8 friends go on a 144-mile journey.

They share the cost equally. How much does each friend pay?


The cost of using a minibus is £1.50 for each mile.

9 friends go on a 180-mile journey. They share the cost equally. How much does each friend pay?


If a length of string was 1.85m how many 7cm lengths could be cut from it?


If a length of string was 1.85m how many 9 cm lengths could be cut from it?



Family Science Activity – Friday 24th April – STATIC MAGIC

The activity: Make objects move without touching them by charging them with static electricity. ExpeRiment: with different objects to see how static electricity affects them. Learn about charged particles like electrons and how things gain or lose charge.

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/static-magic – for a video clip about the experiment and a full version of the activity information sheet.

What you will need:

  • A balloon • A cotton towel or T-shirt or a woolly jumper • Some scrap paper • A paper/plastic drinking straw (optional) • An empty 500ml plastic drinks bottle (optional) • A hard plastic comb or ruler (optional) • Other household objects to test.

What to do:

  • Charge up a balloon and try picking up scraps of paper with it.
  • Investigate whether the amount you rub the balloon affects how much paper it can pick up.
  • Investigate whether the size of the scraps of paper makes a difference.
  • Find out how close you have to be to the paper before the balloon makes it move.
  • Try bending a stream of water like Hector does in the video.
  • Try balancing a straw on top of a bottle lid and seeing if you can make it spin like in the video.
  • Find out which objects are attracted to the charged up balloon and which are repelled by it.
  • Try holding a charged balloon near your hair or your skin.

Going Further:

Try rolling an empty soft drink can along the ground using a charged up balloon http://bit.ly/StaticCanRoll

Try lighting up a fluorescent lightbulb with a charged up balloon – as described here: http://bit.ly/LightBulbBalloon

Try tying two balloons to strings and seeing if you can charge them up with static electricity then hang them up so they repel each other.

Read more about static electricity http://bit.ly/ MoreStaticScience



Art Challenge: UNDER THE SEA

The title for your art this week is ‘Under the Sea’. This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!

Here are some ideas:


However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson



Steve Reich and Music for 18 Musicians

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Steve Reich. Try to answer her questions and join in with the activities she sets.


Can you create your own short rhythmic pattern (motif)?

What could you play it on?

Can other people in your family create their own and can you play them at the same time?

Mrs Sumba


Good luck with all of your home learning tasks this week and don’t forget to post a picture of some of your work on our new class email page!

Year 5 team.

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