Home Learning for week beginning 20th March, 2020
We hope you enjoy your first week of home learning.
20 minutes reading every day.
Reading work on Sumdog.
Write about the main character in your story; choose at least 5 words to describe his or her behaviour. Give an example for each one. E.g. Tim is clumsy when he drops the eggs.
20 minutes of times tables work every day.
Arithmetic on Sumdog.
There are 3 tasks set on My maths to complete – letters with your log ins are being sent home today.
Don’t forget TT Rockstars – this is a self-marking website.
Maths challenge involving nets and 3D shapes. https://nrich.maths.org/6307
Please complete all the activities on the link http://www.pobble365.com/the-stadium
Spelling work on Sumdog.
- Find five words in the books you’re reading this week that have the ‘ie’ pattern.
- Choose 3 activities from your home spelling book to practise these words.
- Spelling test (below) based on ei and ie words. Read the sentences and the children to spell the words in bold.
I believe everyone likes to receive presents.
Either one will do.
The patient sighed in relief.
My friend is always up to mischief.
No-one can eat their weight in protein.
Look at the changing materials video clips on this link and complete any tasks and questions.
In preparation for our Ancient Egyptian topic, next term, please research and create an information poster about Egyptian gods and goddesses.