Home learning 27th march – 3rd April
Home Learning for week beginning 27th March, 2020
Week 2 home learning tasks.
20 minutes reading every day.
Reading work on Sumdog.
Draw a story mountain for a book you have read. Underneath write a paragraph to explain the plot referring to the text.
20 minutes of times tables work every day.
Arithmetic on Sumdog.
There are 3 tasks set on My maths to complete.
Work to be done using TT Rockstars.
Maths game involving fractions, decimals and percentages. https://nrich.maths.org/1249
Please complete all the activities on the link http://www.pobble365.com/out-of-control
Once you have completed all of the activities, please play the following game with another member of your family.
The aim is to practise using ‘show but not tell’ techniques.
1: Roll a dice twice to land on an emotion
2: Now act out the emotion without saying what it is.
3: Your partner is allowed 3 guesses to try and get it right.
TIP: Think about how your facial expressions and body language can help show the emotion.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 |
Happy |
Lonely |
Angry |
Abandoned |
Tired |
Worried |
2 |
Surprised |
Nervous |
Serene |
Excited |
3 |
Thoughtful |
Tense |
Panicky |
Shocked |
Offended |
Impatient |
4 |
Withdrawn |
Elated |
Arrogant |
Cautious |
Irritable |
Scared |
5 |
Hopeful |
Content |
Exasperated |
Interested |
Proud |
Apprehensive |
Furious |
Terrified |
Devastated |
Rejected |
Shy |
Uncertain |
Spelling work on Sumdog.
Complete the contractions activity e.g. do not = don’t
Turn the words in italics into a contraction (shortened form). Remember that the apostrophe is located where letters have been removed. The first one has been done for you.
- Trudy does not understand her homework. doesn’t
- Sam rarely laughs while he is sleeping.
- Bill likes chocolate but he has stopped eating it.
- We have tried to be fair to everyone.
- Karen and Sarah think they are cuter than you.
- Maria refused to admit that she had put butter in her pocket.
- Ashley promised that she would send us an e-mail.
- The report will be handed in but it will be late.
- I wonder if it is proper to eat soup with a knife and fork.
- That is the silliest song they have ever sung.
Over the next 7 nights, watch the moon, record your observations and draw a picture of what it looks like. Label it using the correct scientific vocabulary.
Now draw all the different phases of the moon and label them correctly.
Create your own hieroglyphics, with a key and use them to write a secret message.
On Hour of Code begin the Keep on Dancing section to continue your coding.
Art from Mrs Pearson
This week I would like you to create something with a paper plate. Please don’t worry if you do not have one at home you can just draw around a plate and then cut it out.
I would like you to link it to the country that your Year Group is studying, so here are some ideas. However, any creation would be wonderful.
Please email a photo of your artwork to me and I will share it on the Art Blog.
Keep creating and keep safe!
Mrs Pearson
Year 5 India – paper plate ideas
Evaporation in process
Just a quick catch up regarding our science investigation, 5E. The jars of the salt water solution are still on the windowsill and the water is slowly evaporating, leaving the salt behind.
I’ve taken some pictures so you can see the process. What do you notice about the original amount of water compared the amount of evaporation that has taken place?
Home learning from 20th to 27th March
Home Learning for week beginning 20th March, 2020
We hope you enjoy your first week of home learning.
20 minutes reading every day.
Reading work on Sumdog.
Write about the main character in your story; choose at least 5 words to describe his or her behaviour. Give an example for each one. E.g. Tim is clumsy when he drops the eggs.
20 minutes of times tables work every day.
Arithmetic on Sumdog.
There are 3 tasks set on My maths to complete – letters with your log ins are being sent home today.
Don’t forget TT Rockstars – this is a self-marking website.
Maths challenge involving nets and 3D shapes. https://nrich.maths.org/6307
Please complete all the activities on the link http://www.pobble365.com/the-stadium
Spelling work on Sumdog.
- Find five words in the books you’re reading this week that have the ‘ie’ pattern.
- Choose 3 activities from your home spelling book to practise these words.
- Spelling test (below) based on ei and ie words. Read the sentences and the children to spell the words in bold.
I believe everyone likes to receive presents.
Either one will do.
The patient sighed in relief.
My friend is always up to mischief.
No-one can eat their weight in protein.
Look at the changing materials video clips on this link and complete any tasks and questions.
In preparation for our Ancient Egyptian topic, next term, please research and create an information poster about Egyptian gods and goddesses.
From one extreme to another.
It’s been a very busy week, with parents evenings (it was lovely to see so many of you), swimming lessons and the Poetry by Heart finals.
We have been applying the skills we have learnt to solve measure problems, incorporating our use of all 4 operations, fraction and decimal work and converting of measures.
We’ve also completed our English work on Ruin and are finalising our published pieces. These will go into an envelope ready for when we hide our stories. More to come about this soon.
Our new English topic is based on extreme sports. The children have some research homework set and need to bring it back into school, to use, by the 20th March.
On the theme of homework – just to remind everyone, children should be reading and practising the multiplication facts every night. There is spelling homework based on homophones this week while Sumdog has an arithmetic test set.
**Just a reminder: please don’t forget to put some loose change into your CAFOD envelopes. Many thanks.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year 5 Team
Where’s Wally?
The children enjoyed dressing up as book characters for World Book Day. They will have received a WBD voucher attached to a letter earlier this week. See the photographs below for their costumes.
Good luck to Promise, James and Caitlin for next Friday, when they take part in the Poetry by Heart finals.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 5 Team