Trial by ordeal
In Maths we are continuing to extend our knowledge of fractions. We have been finding the lowest common denominators, comparing and ordering fractions and exploring the different strategies we can use to problem solve. Sumdog homework is set for this week.
In English we are drafting our space tourist leaflets, encouraging people to visit Pandora. Next week we will be editing, evaluating and presenting them, ready for display.
Y5SC are enjoying their swimming sessions while Y5E are being thoroughly entertained and scandalised by the Crime and Punishment mini history topic. So far we’ve covered the Roman and Anglo-Saxon eras.
- We cordially invite you to our Y5 and 6 Mass on Tuesday 4th February, at school, from 10:30 onwards. It would be lovely to see you there.
- Please can you send cakes (for the cake sales) into school on Tuesday 28th January and Thursday 6th February – many thanks in advance.
Have a restful weekend,
The Year 5 Team
Inspiration from overseas
A busy week in maths learning to add and subtract fractions, find equivalent fractions and then compare and order them. Work has been set on Sumdog – please try to get your child to attempt the questions set.
In English we have been working on using different sentence structures and punctuation to build strong, cohesive paragraphs about Pandora. Next week we will be planning and writing our space tourism leaflet.
Spellings and word level work have been set and are due in on Friday 24th.
As Mr Cunningham has already written, in his blog, the children listened to Chris Lubbe with rapt attention. This reiterated the learning the children did during Black History Month; showing the inequality that people have faced and sometimes still face.
Hoping you’ve had a crisp but dry weekend,
The Year 5 Team