Monthly Archives: November, 2019

It’s raining cats and dogs…

Although the rain stopped us travelling to sacred Heart we still had a lovely, calm Mass in school on Tuesday. Thank you to all the friends and family who attended.

As you know, it is our Advent Service next Tuesday and we still need parents to help us walk the children to and from the church. If you are able to help, please let the office know as soon as possible.

Vocabulary home learning has gone out today. For spelling homework, children need to practise the Year 5/6 spellings using a strategy of their own choice.

**Please remember that Reading Challenge Passports are due in by next Wednesday.

We hope you are still able to join us, on Friday morning (9.15 – 11.45), for our DT STEM day.

Have an enjoyable weekend,

The Year 5 Team

It’s a bit chilly!

Another busy week but with the added bonus of going to Fort Nelson, to support our work about WWII in the local area. All of Year 5 became ‘German spies’ for the day, in order to find out as much information as possible about the fort. It was a very cold day but at least the rain stayed away. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time by accompanying us.

A few photos of the day:

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 Team

STEM day reminder – 06.12.19

Just a quick reminder that you are all welcome to come along for our family learning session on the 6th December, where you will have the opportunity to work with your child to create a miniature eco-village.

Please see the letter for any resources you can provide from your recycling.

History galore!

Firstly, we want to celebrate the amazing work that the children have completed over the half term, researching a person as part of Black History Month. They were truly inspired (and outraged) by our starter lesson about the life of Jesse Owens. They then went on to produce some thoughtful work of their own, which is now displayed in our shared area. You are welcome to come and have a look.

Today we had a History deep learning day where we explored how the role of women changed during World War II.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team