We’ve got that Friday feeling….

This week in maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of numbers up to 1 000 000 and rounding. Please practise reading numbers to 1 000 000 with you child, at home, so that they become more confident with the larger numbers.

In English, we have been exploring our novel, Carrie’s War, and empathising with the life of an evacuee.

Homework has been sent out today. The children should have their Reading Passport, spelling work and word level work. Please could you use the word level work words in conversations with your child over the coming week? Sumdog homework has also been set – children all have their logins written in their diaries.

The children need to also read the first 10 pages of their homework diaries and the final 8 pages, including the back page.

Congratulations to the new Year 5 School Councillors – Louis Read (5SC) and James Watson (5E) – who will do a marvellous job over the coming year.

We hope to see you all at our welcome and residential meetings at 5.30 p.m. on Monday.

Have a terrific weekend and enjoy the late summer sunshine,

the Year 5 team

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