Goodbye Egypt, hello India!
This week saw the children complete their Ancient Egypt topic and begin their study of India. Please make sure you read the letter that went home with your child earlier in the week regarding the topic and the carnival, which takes place on the 21st June.
In English the children completed their internal monologues based on Little Freak. Our new topic, after half term, is about animals native to India. Your child has been set half term homework where they must choose one of the six animals provided and research facts about the habitat, behaviour and diet of their chosen animal. This must be handed in on the first day back as children will need it for their written work.
In maths we have started to look at shape, making links to properties and angles. Please get children to check their Sumdog accounts as maths homework has been set.
Have a lovely, restful half term break!
The Year 5 Team
Friday 17th May, 2019
In Maths we have been looking at different types of triangles and finding missing angles within them. We have also been using a protractor to measure angles on a straight line and within triangles. At the end of the week we were using our knowledge of the properties of shapes, including their angles to sort into a Carroll diagram.
We have continued working on using different sentence structures and emotive language within English to help write a monologue from the point of view of Little Freak, the character.
We’ve been incredibly lucky this week with extra activities laid on for Year 5. On Thursday afternoon we had a visit from the school nursing team, who led a workshop about healthy eating and sugar content in food. The children weighed cereals, scanned the sugar content in drinks and packaging, saw what excess sugar does to your body and tried a wide variety of healthy snacks. We also had a small drama workshop today, where the children took part in some dance moves, singing and freeze framing of different scenes.
This week, Benita Byju (5E) received the golden key award for always working to the best of her ability and for being a lovely member of the class. Seren Tricker (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. James Riggs (5CW) received the golden key award for being quick thinking and helpful. Leon Hogan (5CW) has his writing on the showstopper writing wall.
Have a super weekend,
The Year 5 team
Friday 10th May, 2019
In Maths we have been looking at different types of angles and how to find missing angles on a straight line or around a point. We will be moving on to measuring angles using a protractor.
We have been looking at emotive language, in English, and varying our sentence structure for effect.
Children have been set some word level homework today. Please see the accompanying letter to give you information about it.
This week, Amelia Morris (5E) received the golden key award for always doing her work to the best of her ability and being a lovely member of the class. Jeremy Lea (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Joshua Pereira (5CW) received the golden key award for contributing to class discussions. Evie Moseley (5CW) has her writing on the showstopper writing wall.
Have a delightful weekend,
The Year 5 team
Friday 3rd May, 2019
In Maths we have continued to practice multiplying numbers by 1 and 2-digits. On Thursday we moved on to looking at different types of triangles and the angles inside of them. This will lead on to measuring and drawing angles next week.
In English we have written character descriptions and empathised with the character. Children have used a variety of sentence structures and worked on using emotive language. They also did some drama hot seating in order to empathise with the character. Next week they will be beginning to write an internal monologue, as if they were the character.
Spellings homework was sent out today. It is due back Friday 10th May.
This week, Niamh Pope (5E) received the golden key award for persevering with her maths tasks and succeeding with the correct answers. Islwyn Mainwaring (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall and Archie Abraham was mathemagician of the month. James Riggs (5CW) received the golden key award for working hard and good contributions in class. Eva Ng (5CW) has her writing on the showstopper writing wall and Christopher Smith is the mathemagician of the month.
Have a wonderful elongated weekend,
The Year 5 team