Friday 26th April, 2019
In Maths we have been recapping how to multiply 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit. Some children have moved on to multiplying a 2-digt number by 2-digits. Please check out the video on the maths blog, which demonstrates the methods used and sets a small homework activity.
In English this week we have been exploring character description, generating vocabulary and sentence structure to describe a monster.
The new summer Reading Passports Challenge went out today – the winners will be having a ‘wacky science afternoon’ at Oaklands.
Creativity Homework sheets also went home this week linked to our new topic ‘Ancient Egypt’. It is expected that at least one piece of creative homework will be completed in this half term.
A letter went out regarding our visit to Chichester Harbour. Please return the slips as soon as possible.
Have a super weekend,
The Year 5 team