Friday 22nd March, 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the reading Passport Challenge – Tilly, Niamh, Islwyn, Kieran and Faith – who will be going to Rock Up on the 1st April.

This week in maths we have been finishing our unit about time, solving problems to do with various timetables. We are now moving on to statistics – interpreting different types of graphs.

As part of our focus on extreme sports, children have been exploring complex sentences, identifying the main and subordinate clauses. Please ensure that your child’s homework is in on Monday as they will need this to begin their own non-chronological reports.

This week in Golden Key Assembly Cameron McIntyre (5E) received the golden key for increased effort in all areas of work  and Charlie Henderson (5E) has his work on the showstopper wall. Joshua Renji (5CW) received his golden key for making the right choices inside and outside of the classroom. Jacob Kurowski (5CW) has his work on the showstopper wall too.

Have a great weekend,

Year 5 Team

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