In maths we have been continuing to solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts. We have been finding fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts as well as asking the children ‘Would you rather…’ questions, which they needed to solve.
In English we have edited our stories and written them into presentation copy. We’ve decorated an envelope, which will contain our stories, so that next week we can begin to ‘hide’ them for members of the public to read them.
Today we listened to all the poetry finalists from across the school. There were some great costumes, amazing recital skills and fantastic acting from all the finalists. Glens, Sihanua and Kian performed their poems brilliantly in the UKS2 section. All were worthy winners but Kian was the overall winner of the Year 5/6 section. Well done, Kian!
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 team